Sunday, November 29, 2015

Symptoms and Signs

The signs an symptoms of IDA include:

  • fatigue 
  • weakness
  • pale skin
  • shortness of breath
  • dizziness 
  • tingling or crawling feeling in the legs tongue swelling or soreness 
  • cold hands and feet 
  • fast or irregular heartbeat 
  • brittle nails 
  • headaches 

Although most cases of Iron deficiency do not cause many complications, if untreated,  there are 3 major complications that can result
  • Rapid or Irregular Heart Beat: Anemia causes the heart to beat faster because of a lack of oxygen. If left untreated, individuals can suffer from irregular heart beat, heart failure, or heat enlargement.
  • Pregnancy Complication: IDA can cause premature birth of low birthweight, which drastically increases infant mortality rate. In order to counteract this, mothers ofter will take iron supplements during pregnancy.
  • Delayed Growth in Infants and Children: IDA often affects the growth rate of  infants and children, both physically and cognitively. It also increases their likelihood of contracting infections. 

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