Sunday, November 29, 2015

Medical Treatment Options

The best way to treat IDA is to consult with your doctor. This is important because the type of treatment will be dependent on cause of IDA.

Iron Supplements
A doctor will often recommend iron supplements to help replenish the the bodies iron stores. In most cases these will be given to pregnant women and will be in pill form. However they can also be given to infants in a liquid form.

  • Take on an empty stomach: When taking supplements it is important to take them on an empty stomach because this will allow the body to absorb the maximum amount of the iron. Often times iron does cause an upset stomach. In such cases individuals should take the supplements with food.
  • Do not take with antacids: Antacids will affect the absorption of the supplements. It is recommended one takes iron supplements two hours before or four hours after taking antacids.
  • Take Iron Tablets with Vitamin C: Taking iron supplements with either a glass or orange juice or a vitamin C pill will help the absorption of iron. 
It is recommended to talk to a doctor to find out how long to take the supplements and to get your iron level tested regularly.

Other Causes of IDA
Some times iron supplements will not won treat IDA. In such cases problems with internal or external bleeding and absorption must be investigated.

Menstruation: If menstruation is cause IDA, oral contraceptives can be taken to lessen a heavy menstrual flow.
Peptic Ulcers: Antibiotics could be described by a doctor to whose who have such ulcers.
Bleeding Polyp, Tumor, or a Fibroid: Surgery will likely occur to deal with IDA related to these conditions.

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