Sunday, November 29, 2015

Nursing care of Individuals with the Disease

Caring for Individuals with IDA

The first step of caring for individuals suffering from IDA is proper diagnosis. Individuals who have symptoms often associated with IDA should be taken to a doctor to identify if they have it and the cause. Different causes will affect the action taken to treat the condition.

Once the cause of the IDA is identified, making sure to keep that individual on track with their treatment is key. For those suffering for iron deficient diet, regulating the individuals diet to include iron rich foods is key. In the case menstruation induce IDA or problems with absorption, taking the proper medication should be the focus.

One of the most informational and popular sites for any medical related information, Mayo Clinic has pretty much all one needs when it comes to iron deficiency anemia. This websites covers everything from defining the disease, symptoms, preventions, treatments,  and many more. It even includes a section on preparing an individual for an appointment, which is extremely unique and helpful.
Healthline is a great website that although not as medically focused, is extremely user friendly. It includes all the information found on the Mayo Clinic, but puts it in a less medically termed format. this makes it extremely easy for users to navigate the site and find what they need.

1. Eyenemia
One of the most tell tale signs of IDA is skin discoloration. This apps entire purpose is to help diagnose those who believe they might be suffering from anemia. It does this by taking a picture of the individuals eye to check if they have anemia. Very interesting app and seems helpful but once diagnosed this app becomes useless.

Other possible app options could be those dealing with nutrition. There are tons out there but ones who could suggest iron rich foods could be helpful. There is also a new technology called Hemoglobin which tries to help diagnose individuals with anemia by measuring the hemoglobin level through a sensor that attaches to the finger. Although it is still going through testing, something like this could have some huge benefits to help those who are anemic.


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